Symbols of the beast and his mark have been embedded in many clever ways that are snares to the unwary. I'm not starting out with the easy and obvious in this series, there's really very little time for such an approach at this late hour. If this kind of symbol deconstruction is new to you, the Code 33 series is a great place to start catching up.
I'm going to begin with more explanation of the examples I just posted in the Miley Cyrus music video for “We Can't Stop.” Several clever and subtle symbols of 666 were pointed out, two of which represented combinations of different classes that produced a trio of sixes. Let's break them down and identify the classes.
The skull's Code MOB required first a proper identification of the objects. The skull was constructed of French Fries. The hand had Fingers. See how the non-finger parts are blurred.

To realize that the objects are signaling 666 you have to see them as supplying their first letters, F, and recognize that letter as the 6th. French Fries and Fingers ~ FFF ~ 666. The process of transformation requires a few steps but that kind of subtle concealment produces a powerful symbol. Symbols like this are always strengthened by complementary layers that are embedded in the context.

The final scene also produced a trio of obfuscated sixes for a Code MOB. Like the skull scene it required an identification of the elements supplying the letters that transform to 6. The peace sign is a hand signal flashing the letter V. The V transforms to a 6 as the expression of the 6th Hebrew letter, vav. The other 6 is produced by her hat, which first has to be recognized as a veil. Then, the first letter V can be perceived as the same thing she's hand signaling. There's that trio; VVV or 666. It's obfuscated, veiled. Clever Devil.

One of the big triple vav brands today is Monster Energy drink, whose logo is a near match to Miley's necklace. Beyond the 666, the M itself is a beast symbol. Monster ~ beast. The symbol itself is literally beast energy, projecting through a portal. The M is the 13th letter, which has the associations of the rebel lord beast. As you may recall, Madame Blavatsky named it as the most sacred of all, identifying it as an androgyne. It's the sign of the watery abyss. The abyss Monster is Leviathan. The beast and his mark represent Monster Energy, supernatural dragon power. The Horus identity is lurking in the midst of all this. The triple vav M is a brilliant symbol. Evil genius.

VW's letter W is a double V, which combines with the top V to produce the triple V or vav or 666. If you compare this logo with the last scene of Miley's We Can't Stop, it looks like she's promoting VW.
VW's symbol is a pretty obvious XO.

VW's marketing campaigns have long supplemented their logo's ritual sodomy symbolism through the link between gas as a fuel and gas produced in the gastrointestinal tract. Gas pains. Gastrointestinal distress. Better fuel economy was the obvious implication, the relief of the pain of higher fuel costs paid at the pump. The ad featuring their logo on a pill in a glass of fizzy water made it akin to Alka Seltzer, which was a popular remedy for indigestion and gas that was seen in ads of the era. References to the GI tract are a popular means of signaling ritual sodomy. Miley's open mouth and hidden eye-Horus Eye pictured above in connection with the triple V sign sure smacks of a VW ad.

They are spilling beans about the MOB plan, including timing because of the milestones.
It goes like this. A father and his daughter are riding in a Volkswagen. The father is noting how the car is reaching a milestone that had once been a big deal, when cars didn't last nearly as long. “What if I told you that every time a Volkswagen hits 100,000 miles a German engineer gets his wings?” They cut to a comedic sequence of engineers at a VW factory suddenly sprouting pairs of wings of the kind commonly identified with angels.

In Sodom, shortly before it was destroyed by fire and brimstone, all the men of the city wanted nothing more than to sodomize two angels that had visited Lot in the form of men. See Genesis 19. That preceded the destruction that was an expression of the sovereign God's judgment. That event, which has to do with angel butts, is one of two of the most famous judgments in history, the other of which is connected to the rainbow. The rainbow is a memorial of a promise God made to all creatures and the earth itself that relates specifically to what happened when He purged the face of the earth with a great flood. Genesis 9. That was due to fallen angels, the sons of god of Genesis 6, who famously practiced sodomy in their corruption of the earth and bringing of the pure race of Adamic men to near extinction.
VW. 666. Code MOB. Engineers sprouting wings. Rainbows coming out of their butts. At work in a factory building vehicles. If you listen to the happy song being sung you'll hear “Dooby Dooby DOOM.” DOOM! Judgment and destruction. They're singing a happy little ditty about doom as they present symbols of the days of Noah and the days of Lot.
26 And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27 they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; 29 but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 It will be just the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed. ~ Luke 17:26-30
Volkswagen was originally founded in 1937 by the Nazi trade union. In German, “Volkswagen” means “people's car.” The mark of the beast is a “car” for the people. It's a vehicle that will transport them into another dimension - and for their soul there's no coming back. It's a one way trip. Destination: Lake of Fire. While there will eventually be a restoration of all things, that's not the route you want to take.
The bell is a sonic device that is associated with a dimensional transit. See Bells - Supernatural Enchantment and a Biblical Perspective The Dad's line in the VW commercial is a play on the classic film, “It's a Wonderful Life.” There, the line was, “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.” Listen closely in the scene where the rainbow shoots out of the angel engineer's butt. Do you hear the tinkling? The rainbow bridge or Bifröst is the biblical mecillah, the kingdom viaduct or stargate construct, the highway to and from the heavens. Is there an obscure reference here to the Nazi bell, die glocke, which some believe was used as a vehicle to travel through space and time?
The VW commercial is so rich with complementary symbols at least some of them deserve mention.
At 4 seconds in, we see the first milestone. Let's consider the numbers. There are nines or inverted sixes in the odometer figure, which is having attention called to it as incrementing to a six digit number. The odometer ticks over from 99,999 to 100,000 miles but the trip odometer does not, holding at 41.9. When it does iterate, which we're anticipating, it will show 42, which is 6+(6*6) or another 666 signal. The number 42 is identified with the trip duration of the beast in Revelation 13:5, identifying how long his authority will last in months. One odometer has 6 digits. The other odometer has 3. Three sixes are 666. The temperature is 75 degrees. It's a covert naming of the sun god, Re, or Ra. On the periodic table of elements, Re or Rhenium has the atomic number of 75. The sun is hot, with lots of degrees of temperature!
Darcy, the daughter, wears dark and light stripes, a symbol of the knowledge of good and evil. The name, “Darcy,” means, “Dark.”
At 15 seconds, we see the factory floor with engineers flanking a vehicle assembly. There are 3 on one side and 3 on the other. Code 33.
At 22 seconds, an engineer's wings sprout to emerge up out of an opening in the car's roof. The wings emerge through the portal, and wings represent what has the ability to traverse dimensions. The portal is a sunroof, or moonroof, evoking the celestial context. Sun and Moon ~ Bridegroom and Bride, and according to the way of symbols (2nd commandment of the 10), it's only ever the false versions in view. The triple bands of light in the fixtures remind me of what are found in the temples of Freemasonry, where there are three Great Lights, and three pillars, the three movable jewels, the three immovable jewels...
At 25 seconds we're in an elevator shaft, and we see the elevator approaching us, ascending or descending. It's a stargate transit. We see an engineer sprout wings inside the elevator. He gooses the female engineer in the butt. Ritual sodomy by an angel. He didn't mean it but she slaps him in the face. Ritual abuse of the innocent. He wears a tie, as many of them do. Ritual sodomy is the binding tie.
At 33 seconds, two engineers are using urinals in the men's room. The one with small wings looks at the one with big wings like he's intimidated. It's a joke about penis size, which adds that element that is implicit with ritual sodomy. The book of Enoch mentions the fallen ones having privy members like horses. The wall is tiled, Masonry's calling card.

At 34 seconds, an engineer sprouts wings inside a wind tunnel. Think of the GI tract. (Part 110 - The Sodomite Gateway - Wind Tunnel; a Metaphor) The fan in the tunnel is a sun-anus and a circled X: Code MOB and ritual Horus Eye sodomy. An engineer's head appears in front of it like it's his dark halo, with his head up the butt.
At 41 seconds, an engineer with wings hovers near the ceiling, and the place is ringed around with windows. Another stargate transit is pictured with a column at the junction of a T. He's in the middle of an X or plus sign cross of 4 lights. You can tell from one of those lights that's it's a circled X. Code MOB.

At 50 seconds, we see the winged engineer who's about to have rainbows shoot out of his butt. He's ascended to the top of a pyramid ladder, the stairway to heaven where he's working with an elevated car shell, a heavenly vehicle.
In their closing sequence they feature an odometer display rolling over from 099,999 to 100,000. You can't miss the inverted 666.

If they intended to signal the pattern of 3 things and then a 4th by giving special attention to a 100k span and following that by giving attention to a 200k span, that would not seem out of place. This is the season in which they hope to reach their suggested milestone. And, reach it, they will.
Thank you! For not starting with another "introduction" to this stuff. Like oh my goodness, I've heard too many introductions, it's as though there were only kindergarteners out there and they never learn. Well hell yea. It's nice to hear someone just starting from where they're at, and fill us in. These days I just skip past those same ole same ole introductions (and everything else that's over-worn which should already be common knowledge and under the bridge) starting from the beginning...I've heard enough of those. Well said when you said, we don't have time to waste, let's just move along. By the way, haha, some really cool insights you have here.
ReplyDeleteThanks for weighing in.
DeleteThat lady's necklace also resembles the Scorpio symbol or the Virgo symbol in astrology. Since she has another charm next to it with an oval in it (Egyptian), more likely a Virgo symbol. Here are pictures: Scorpio symbol: And Virgo symbol:
ReplyDeleteEgyptian sybol of the Ankh:
ReplyDeleteSince her birthday is in November (November 23, 1992), but she's a Sagittarius, she probably uses that sign to signify the Scorpion side of her cusp birthday....and it's without a tail. The Sag's symbol is an arrow.